
Applying acupuncture needles to particular points activates pathways that stimulate blood flow and the immune system. This effect will reduce inflammation, pain, and promote healing of the surrounding tissues. Therefore, acupuncture can be used to heal muscular injuries and improve the function of weakened systems such as: digestive, respiratory, and reproductive.

Acupuncture will also activate the parasympathetic nervous system (which is responsible for rest and digest). This promotes a relaxed state and reduces the negative effects of stress. Activating this system helps improve digestion, balance hormones, improve sleep, and allow your body to heal. 



Cupping is an ancient technique that uses small glass or plastic cups to create a suction on the skin to break up stagnated tissues and congested muscles. 

The placement of the cups on the body, the amount of pressure to each cup, and the time the cups remain on the body is determined by each individual’s case.  

Cupping can relieve muscle tension, detoxify the skin, improve the circulatory system, and can aid in breaking up congestion from a common cold. The side effects are mild and may involve some discomfort and/or bruising marks however the skin will return to normal within 3-5 days.